4 Techniques of internal positioning

4 Techniques of internal positioning
Possibly if you are new to the world of SEO positioning you've already heard of internal positioning or internal optimization of our website, this is possibly the first technique or group of techniques that we implement our strategy of SEO, so get to know each of the options is certainly very important .

As matters the external position as our internal web optimization is vital because you receive this we attract visitors from abroad, then we will list 4 important techniques to perform internal positioning . Quality

The effect of Rebound

The effect of Rebound
For many users know the behavior of users visiting your website is undoubtedly an element of great importance and it is no wonder the search engines like Google take a lot of information so that users behave on our website . 

A clear way to prove this point is the importance that the rebound effect in Google 's free Google Analytics , for experts increasingly reference Google takes a percentage of the web to give authority.

Social networks and their impact on SEO

Social networking
Social networking for many users are simply a place where they can meet other people and share your photos and moods, but is a very common use social rede allow more than that especially when it comes to SEO .

Each di more search engines and therefore these algorithms give more importance to social networks and to measure trends in internet and give us step out of the value that a website has . Social networks like Facebook , Twitter and Google + work together with search engines like Google to give this a reference through their metric measures the importance of a website.

Blackhat SEO Techniques and the danger of penalties

Blackhat SEO Techniques and the danger of penalties
The SEO positioning as everything in life has pros and cons that we must take into account when making our work to position our website , one of the options that are currently in force is the use of Blackhat SEO techniques by positioners , it is worth noting that every day more search engines like Google work to prevent the use of such techniques. Below we will show some Blackhat SEO techniques that we must avoid not being that eventually enjoy a penalty from search engines.

Reebok Checklight gadget

Reebok Checklight gadget
The world of sports is possibly not only existing but also in dangerous times when we are enjoying sports such as boxing or rugby , which is why some companies are developing gadgets that allow us to practice a high-risk sport safely .

Reebok Checklight is a gadget designed specifically to take care of our health while practicing a sport like boxing, the company created by Reebok this fantastic component lets us know when we are fit or not to continue playing a sport in action , an element that can save our life very effectively .

One thing we can observe is that it is usually difficult to decide when an athlete after a blow to the head is still able to continue enjoying the game or competition , Reebok Checklight is simply attached to your head by electrono magnetic sensors that allows to know if there is evidence of head injury .

SITU a gadget to eat healthy

SITU a gadget to eat healthy
Every day there are more that are targeting gadget completely to help people eat healthy, commonly observed as mobile becomes a tool to measure calories but this time we want to talk to one of the most innovative technologies time called SPOT .

SITU is a gadget aimed at measuring the calories and nutritional component of food and is responsible for proposing simple ideas for improving our food, SITU consists of two major elements, the first digital pea that not only measures but also detects the type of food and its composition.

Moreover it has an application for tablet that allows us to observe each of the nutritional elements of food we are about to eat , recommending increase or decrease the portion that we have taken , in addition to showing a full set of statistics as influence our body.

Solar Impulse 2 Technology Innovation

Solar Impulse 2 Technology Innovation
For those who believe that solar energy we only offers us an alternative to global warming and resource savings this time we want to talk to some one of the new projects in this area , talk about Solar Impulse 2 will probably the first plane will around the world with solar energy.

Solar Impulse project and was born a couple of years ago and is in the final stage of development to achieve their goal is to go around the world with solar power , demonstrating that solar energy is able to get us where we want step and be the best solution to resource consumption .

Spotify and his new graphic design

Spotify and his new graphic design
Since some time has the audio streaming platform Spotify has become the number one in this area for millions of users around the world who consider it the most fantastic platform in this area. Spotify has always been characterized at all times by prioritizing efficiency and simplicity to the work now that the same design or environment in which users are developed, still under a bit of pressure of competition and secondly by users platform , Spotify took the step of migrating to a new graphical environment .

For many the change that the platform offers users is more related to the use of mobile phones, we still consider it a very interesting step especially since had a lighter color to a darker visual setting but the most suitable time for listen to music no matter what we do on mobile or web player.

Mohu Channels by smart TV

Mohu Channels
Mohu Channels by smart TV is perfect if you 're a user who already has a smart TV in your home , certainly the technology of these TVs have come to completely change the way we can have fun in our leisure time enjoying a good movie, playing a game or simply browsing internet .

One element often considered as a drawback of this type of television is that for web browsing or just change to navigate to an application like Netflix must change menu usability complicating our smart TV . 

 This changes completely when using the gadget Mohu Channels connected to our smart TV which through its application lets you create a completely personalized menu of our cable channels , games, video streaming applications or just your browser, this means say we do not need to leave the menu or option menu option to have at our disposal a simple way to enjoy our mobile .

Something interesting that presents Mohu Channels is that we can create a program schedule , setting the time when we surf the internet while we waited a cable television channel of our favorite movie . For many experts in the field Mohu Channels would become one of the most important choices in this area due to its useful truly efficient , all within a friendly graphical interface that allows us to take full advantage of our smart TV.

Currently Mohu Channels is in full development phase but is expected in late 2014 is ready to be launched and has become one of the most anticipated gadget today by millions of users who consider their usefulness quite ideal for leisure time at home

Technology Innovation Now : Fire TV Technology Innovation

Fire TV Technology Innovation

Fire TV Technology Innovation
At present how we have fun and we keep trapped in front of our TV has changed completely, as we all know with the advent of internet access to contended for streaming and other items has become the daily bread of our life.

A new category and are beginning to be exploited entertaining centers as Apple TV or Roku to mention only two known , also dedicated to the Amazon e-commerce launched its own entertainment center called Fire TV . Fire TV is a simple mix of several options for fun and perform all tasks from the same , that through the implementation of android operating system allowing a wider application support.

No matter that all they want to do is watch a movie for a streaming service like Netflix, listen to music or just Spotly juagara Fire TV with some application to this dicado fun at home, because it has been confirmed to come with several of the top video services , movies and games of the moment.

Some features of Fire TV regarding its operation is:
• 4-core Processor
• 2 GB Ram expandable
• Android Operating System
• Support for different applications

This is added that has a remote control that not only allow us to completely control but also enjoy a good online game with our friends, surely we are facing one of the most innovative systems fun of the moment. So if you are a little tired of traditional DVDs or consoles you should probably take the time to test the Fire TV entertainment center costing Amazon and according to the same company will be $ 99.00 .

Google Maps one of the most revolutionary applications

Google Maps one of the most revolutionary applications
Google Maps has been ranked as one of the most revolutionary applications of all time thanks to the ease with which we can locate on the map thanks to our GPS , as we know not only our location can be successful thanks to this application but also any instead we want in the world .

For those who do not know much about the Google Maps application must indicate that this allows us to locate places no matter where in the world are due to the coordinates obtained by satellites worldwide and can be seen in the same way street location of places through photographs .

An interesting feature Google Maps offers a short review to know more about the places we're seeing from the satellite , at present this fabulous application that is available for smartphones with android system is used to complement other applications.

Google Street Viewer

Google Street Viewer
Google Street Viewer born as one of the supplements to the known Google Maps application on the street section , initially users had the opportunity to observe basic environments or photographs of places we wanted to visit . Today with Google Street Viewer application or browser version thereof have the opportunity to visit any city or town in the world and get the 360 degree views have become so famous that this fantastic service maps and 360 photographs . 

For many Google Street Viewer has come to completely change the way we do tourism and many people can now see the place you have always wanted to visit during your life or just more detailed plan so our vacation trip . 

An interesting element of Google Street Viewer is that we can not only visit buildings outside but also have the opportunity to make internal views of the buildings as the example of the famous museums like the Prado in Madrid in which thanks to this application we can see each of the parts shown here .

Duolingo platform for learning languages

Duolingo platform for learning languages
One of the major problems that many users find in their day to day at the moment to develop both professionally and personally is the lack of ability to communicate with others in a different language, especially in less developed countries.

Duolingo has become today as technology specialist magazines the best platform for language learning, this effective thanks to its simple interface in which the user learns while having fun and secondly thanks to its intelligent learning .

Duolingo and intelligent learning Many believe that the most essential part of this platform is its smart system with which the user is rewarded every time you go on one level , this being the motivation but also the system evaluates the ability of the person personally.

Linux alternatives to Windows XP output

Linux alternatives to Windows XP output
In case you do not realize just end up with Microsoft support and update featuring their legendary Windows XP operating systems , this means that unless you're looking to have some insecure environments is best to migrate to a version as Window 7 . Unfortunately the migration to a higher system also requires an investment in both the cost of the license and update your hardware considering that most computers with Win XP are low -end, to look for an effective solution is not something simple at this time.

A good solution is to migrate to the Linux environment , specifically one of its distros that offers not just zero license costs but also a safer environment , unfortunately when it comes to Linux all think of how difficult it is to handle this type of operating systems, or at least it was until a few years ago they were not so friendly .

At present there are several friendly in the style of Windows that make you feel like home , this time we want to talk distros some Manjaro Ubuntu and two of the most friendly distros and excellent options to migrate .

Google Drive uses effective at work

Google Drive uses effective at work
Google Drive has become one of the storage platforms in the cloud most important moment with other important as Dropbox, this time we want to mention to  different uses we can give this fantastic tool . If it still will not take out the best of it in your life is you kind of cloud storage you need to keep reading a bit like with a little ingenuity we have a solution for many of our everyday projects . 

1. As a tool for online group work : One of the new ways of working today both as regards our work is undoubtedly the work shared online, thanks to Google Docs Drive works with have the ability to share documents with colleagues that can be simultaneously edited by multiple users. 

2. To create presentations on our project: Otherwise elegant way to use Google Drive is created presentations, this thanks to the platform allows us to create documents which can insertarles links , videos , photographs and other multimedia elements such as audio , we create presentations that we can see online .