The effect of Rebound

The effect of Rebound
For many users know the behavior of users visiting your website is undoubtedly an element of great importance and it is no wonder the search engines like Google take a lot of information so that users behave on our website . 

A clear way to prove this point is the importance that the rebound effect in Google 's free Google Analytics , for experts increasingly reference Google takes a percentage of the web to give authority.

This is due to reasoning from the fact that Google shorter navigation of a user by a lower web is the quality of information that is present , sometimes the rebound effect is not increased by poor quality of information but poor structure of the web , slow loading and poor design . 

Hence we must take into account these factors when optimizing our website, an important tip is to use a server preference that allows us to accommodate anywhere in the country from which most visitors expect . 

Moreover delete items such as flash or Java script helps improve the response speed of our web that ultimately is one of the factors that influence has , likewise optimized using template also help decrease this effect to the long may bring serious problems to create a successful project.

Technology Innovation

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